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Fruit Battleground: Auto Farm

A brand new script brought to you by the team of Scripthome for the game Fruit Battlegrounds. After activating the script, the script activates the function: Auto Farm, it will automatically farm for you levels.

Fruit Battleground: Auto Farm

But rather than force concessions from China and Mexico, the tariffs could boomerang on U.S. consumers and companies. The taxes could raise the price of fruits and vegetables and disrupt the supply chain for auto parts in ways that could hurt vehicle sales.

ZEBAIDA: Despite bombs and borders dominating the news, the water crisis managed to make the headlines recently. The government has just declared a two-year water emergency. That announcement came as part of a parliamentary inquiry into the water crisis. In the recently released report, officials reserved their harshest criticism not for the drought, but for endless bureaucracy that has delayed the construction of wastewater purification and desalination plants. But it seems that the Israeli public has some criticism of their own. They blame the water crisis on agriculture. Israel's legendary Jaffa oranges and Galia melons have been sold across Europe and America for more than 40 years. But these farmers buy their water at prices heavily subsidized by the government. So is too much of the nation's water supply being shipped out of the country in the form of fruit for too little gain? Philip Warburg is the director of Israel's Union of Environmental Defense.

Stanly County annually produces over 10,000 bales of cotton and 1,000,000 bushels of grain, besides hay, fruit, poultry, lumber, cross ties, truck crops and other crops which net cash returns. Stanly is known as a great clover county. Its soil is especially adapted to the growing of red top clover. Stanly County wheat took first prize at the Paris Exposition. The farms are worked by their owners who are 90% native born.

The soil of Buncombe County holds forth great opportunities for the industrious farmer, and particularly the producer of garden truck. The outlook for the fruit grower is excellent and the apple industry is just developing. The soil grows corn, Irish potatoes, wheat, rye, oats, sorghum cane, cabbage and numerous vegetables of all kinds.

Dunn farmers raise a large variety of crops, including cotton, tobacco, wheat, oats, corn, hay, apples, peaches, watermelons, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes and truck. Poultry, hogs and live stock are raised all over the County. Dunn farmers annually sell 50,000 bales of cotton, 2,000,000 pounds of tobacco, thousands of bushels of sweet potatoes, wheat, oats and corn. Thousands of tons of cotton seed, carloads of green corn, watermelons and cantaloupes, great quantities of apples, peaches, huckleberries, strawberries, dewberries and other small fruits, thousands of pounds of fresh and cured pork and hams, many pedigreed hogs for breeding purposes, pure bred poultry, thousands of creates of eggs, dairy products, truck of every description, peas and peavine hay and a list of other commodities are shipped every year from Dunn.

Dunn also has a bakery, one newspaper, one printing plant, seven garages, two automobile paint and trimming plants, three wholesale gasoline and motor oil distributors, two plumbing concerns, two electrical contractors, one steam and one hand laundry, two beverage bottling plants, five farm stock dealers, fourteen dry goods and clothing stores, and thirty-seven retail grocers. Dunn is the trade center for 35,000 people.

The County is traversed by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, the Atlantic Coast Line and the Laurinburg and Southern (locally owned). These roads give the county splendid outlets and solid cars daily are shipped during season, while whole train loads from Scotland County are not uncommon. A network of over 300 miles of fine highways place the farm in easy reach of shipping points and Laurinburg, the County Seat. There are over 1600 automobiles in the County. There is Rural Free Delivery of mail and telephones in all sections of the County.

Robeson County is the third largest county in the State and the seventeenth county in the United States in value of crops, and second in the South. There are 6534 farms in the county with a cultivated area of 208,076 acres. On these farms there are 8984 mules and horses, 6300 head of cattle, 39,000 hogs and 2112 hives of bees. Cotton is the leading money crop of the county, with a total of 78,591 acres in 1921 and a production of 63,000 bales. The average per acre production of tobacco is 975 pounds produced on 6946 acres. 72,531 acres are planted in corn with an average production per acre of 23 bushels. 7,193 acres are planted in oats and 346 in wheat. The average per acre production of Irish potatoes is 93 bushels, while that of sweet potatoes is 98 bushels. There are 39,319 fruit trees in the County, 1499 acres of truck and 1392 acres in home gardens. Great interest is being taken in poultry and bee raising and great success has already been attained.

The Mooresville Cotton Mills Co. has a total capital stock of $3,300,000.00 and is equipped with 60,000 spindles and 1,820 looms. They operate 30,000 spindles and 1,000 looms day and night, and employ 1,600 operatives. The products manufactured are ginghams, outings, suitings, palm beach goods and the cloth used in the manufacture of automobiles. The Company operates a modern power plant which handles coal with automatic stoker and labor saving devices. They have their own water system and supply 500 operatives' cottages with water and light and maintain a complete sewerage system. They operate a complete piece goods dyeing and bleaching plant and are the city's largest manufacturers. The Cascade Mills, successors to the Dixie Cotton Mills, operate 20,000 spindles and sufficient looms to care for the output. The capital is $400,000 and they make fine shirtings. Mooresville also has two roller mills with a combined daily capacity of 160 barrels of flour, 450 bushels of corn, and 500 bushels of feed. The Mooresville Co-operative Creamery is an institution owned by the farmers of the community and has an output of 1,100 lbs. daily with a much larger capacity. There is a $1,500 ice cream factory and also makes cones. Other industries are: an ice plant of 45 tons daily capacity; a broom factory of 125 dozen weekly capacity; a furniture factory specializing on kitchen tables; a cement manufacturing plant; 2 large cotton seed oil mills; 2 large ginneries; a mattress factory and other minor industries.

Morganton offers distinct advantages to the manufacturer in climate, location, native labor and transportation facilities, while the natural resources include virgin timber, rich farm lands, frost-free fruit land, vast mineral wealth and undeveloped water power.

A wide variety of crops are grown in Catawba County and agriculture ranks as one of the chief sources of wealth. Dairying ranks first in the County, with over 10,000 dairy cattle, while one of the first and one of the largest creameries in the South is in the County. Some Catawba cattle have records as high as 787 pounds of butter-fat in a year. Catawba has the only dairy farm in the United States that has two gold medal cows. Livestock, poultry, alfalfa, corn, cotton, wheat, oats, the legumes, sweet potatoes, truck of all kinds, berries and fruits, are a few of the products of the farm in Catawba County.

Rowan County has 3,235 farms, 1862 of which are operated by their owners. Rowan is one of the leading wheat counties of the State, while other crops include corn, oats, rye, sorghum cane, hay, soy beans, melons, berries, fruits and vegetables. Livestock raising and dairying is becoming more important each year. The White Packing Plant at Salisbury offers a ready market to all farmers for meats. This concern is one of the largest in the South, having a complete modern plant.

Spencer is in the well favored agricultural area of the Piedmont which includes Rowan County. The crops that are raised annually in Rowan County include corn, wheat, cotton, oats, rye, sorghum cane, hay, cowpeas, soy beans, peanuts, Irish and sweet potatoes, melons, berries, fruits and vegetables. Diversification is now practiced on all the 3,235 farms in the county.

Iredell County, of which Statesville is the County Seat, is very rich in farm production. The soil varies from sandy loam to red clay and produces grains, grasses, cotton, tobacco and fruits. The annual value of all crops exceeds $6,000,000. There are over 4,115 farms having a total value of over $19,000,000. Over 3,416 farmers in the county are native white, while 2,440 work their own farms.

The country surrounding Tarboro is a very fertile farming land. Some of the principal crops raised are cotton, corn, grain and tobacco. Quite a bit of hay is also poduced here. The farmers of Tarboro find a very ready market for their produce, most of the tobacco being disposed of in the local market. The climate of Tarboro is also very favorable for fruit growing, as is evidenced by the large amounts shipped to other parts every season. The Tar River, being navigable, is an asset to commerce, and the fertile river valleys greatly aid agriculture.

Beaufort is one of the richest farming areas in the State and intensive diversified farming is practiced. The leading crops include sweet potatoes, celery, alfalfa, tomatoes, tobacco, cotton, corn, scuppernong grapes and fruits. Other crops include cabbage, peas, Irish potatoes, peaches, berries and grapes. Dairying in this county is fast assuming a larger place and is proving very profitable. Over 9000 people are employed in the fishing industry, producing an output valued at $1,776,000 a year. With an abundance of timber in the County the lumber industry is very important in Beaufort County.

Formed in 1846 from Lincolnton. It was named for Hon. William Gaston. It is bounded by the Counties of Lincoln, Mecklenburg and Cleveland and by the State of South Carolina, and is drained by the Catawba River. The staple crops of the County are cotton, corn, wheat, rye, and legumes, while fruit is being successfully grown. The County is especially noted for it's cotton manufacturing, having a total of about 100 mills specializing on fine combed yarns and automobile tire fabric yarns. The Southern Railway, the Seaboard Air Line Railway, the Piedmont & Northern (Electric Railway and the Carolina & Northwestern Railway serve the County. Gaston has 60 miles of improved roads. Statistics show that the County has 6 flour mils, 23 cotton gins, numerous cotton mills, 3 National banks and 9 local banks. There are 201,263 acres of land valued at $2648,515 and 5,826 town lots valued at $2,807,246; while the total County tax is $307,290. The County has 2,134 bee hives, 1,578 horses, 3,299 mules, 7,369 dairy cattle, 9,942 hogs and 279 sheep, having a combined value of $1,629,365. The County has a population of 51,242 with 9,781 families. Gastonia is the County Seat, with a population of 12,871. Other incorporated towns are Belmont, 2,941; Bessemer City, 2,176; Cherryville, 1,884; Dallas, 1,397; Lowell, 1,151; McAdensville, 1,162; Mount Holly, 1,160; and Stanley, 584. 041b061a72


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