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Space Relationship To Earth

Earth is, for the main part, connected to space via the magnetic poles. When electrically charged particles from space bombard our planet, visible light occurs; i.e. aurora borealis in the Northern hemisphere or aurora australis in the Southern hemisphere.

space relationship to earth


But as these electrically charged particles hit the atmosphere, this can interfere with communication systems. In addition, particle showers from space can lead to power outages and the destruction of transformers on the ground.

Earth science encompasses four main areas of study; geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy. Each of these areas influence life on Earth in different ways. Astronomy, sometimes called space science, is the study of things outside of the Earth's atmosphere, such as other planets, stars, the sun and moon, and other solar systems. Space and earth science are related in numerous ways, primarily in regards to planetary temperature and ocean tides. Asteroids and other space debris can further influence life on Earth when they enter the atmosphere.

Life on Earth does not occur in a vacuum. The relationship between space and earth science is critical for the support of animals and vegetation. For example, the seasons are determined according to Earth's location along its orbital path around the Sun. Likewise, days and nights are determined by Earth's rotation on its axis. Without light and energy from the Sun, mankind would not have the ability to grow crops, raise livestock, or even survive in certain geographic areas.

Similarly, space and earth science are further connected because the moon influences ocean tides. As the Earth spins, it creates a centrifugal force that directly competes with the moon's gravitational pull. High tide and low tide are determined by where the Earth is in its daily rotation, compared to the gravitational pull of the moon. When an area of the Earth is directly in line with the moon, either gravitational pull from the moon or the centrifugal force of the Earth creates high tide, depending on which side of the planet faces the moon. Other areas experience low tide during this same time.

Relationships between space and earth science are again seen when asteroids come close to Earth, or when meteorites strike land. Scientists believe a large meteorite was responsible for the extinction of much of prehistoric life, including dinosaurs. Many more believe that the likelihood of another large meteorite striking Earth is high. Questions regarding the possible size of such a meteor and its affect on life on Earth are numerous, encompassing an entire sub-specialty of space science.

Researchers and scientists typically study astronomy to gain a deeper understanding of how space and earth science relate. By understanding how celestial bodies, planets, gravity, and other forces influence regional climates, the weather, ocean tides, and similar aspects of life on Earth, scientists can predict changes and major events that will affect mankind. Astronomers, geologists, meteorologists, and oceanographers typically share information learned to further expand man's understanding of how the Earth works and how it fits into the Universe.

Earth and space science (ESS) is about Earth and its place within the solar system and universe. It includes the study of the Earth's land, oceans, atmosphere, and all the life that lives there from animals to plants. It includes the water cycle, the carbon cycle, the rock cycle, and anything that gradually affects the Earth over time.

But that's the ''Earth'' part of earth and space science. The ''space'' part talks about the Earth's position in the solar system, and it also explores the solar system and universe as a whole. Understanding the wider universe helps us get a sense of Earth's place.

When studying earth and space science, you might find yourself talking about the deepest oceans or the farthest reaches of the galaxy. You might be talking about plants and animals, or humans blasting off into space in rockets. The study covers a wide variety of topics.

Earth and space science is most certainly a STEM subject. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These subjects are considered really important for the future of Western countries. When people talk about STEM, they're usually talking about the importance of teaching these subjects.

Science is a systematic study of the natural world. Technology is using our scientific knowledge for practical purposes, like building physical objects to complete tasks. Engineering is involved with designing, building, and using this technology, including engines, contraptions, and machines. Finally, mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, and space. Mathematics is used in science to explain the world, and is used in technology and engineering to make sure that the things we build will work the way we expect. All these subjects would be impossible without mathematics.

So, what is earth and space science's place in STEM? Well, earth and space science is clearly a science, because it's the study of part of the natural world. But, like all sciences, it overlaps into each of the other subject areas as well. It involves technology, because you cannot explore space or launch a rocket to Mars without advanced technology.

Earth and space science studies features of the Earth and the universe that surrounds Earth. It involves learning about the Earth's land, atmospheres, oceans, and life, as well as studying the other planets in the solar system, the universe as a whole, and how humans are able to explore space.

The Moon was the first place beyond Earth humans tried to reach as the Space Age began in the late 1950s. More than 100 robotic explorers from more than half a dozen nations have since sent spacecraft to the Moon. Nine crewed missions have flown to the Moon and back.

The former Soviet Union logged the first successes with its Luna program, starting with Luna 1 in 1959. NASA followed with a series of robotic Ranger and Surveyor spacecraft that performed increasingly complex tasks that made it possible for the first human beings to walk on the Moon in 1969.

American astronauts have planted six American flags on the Moon. But that doesn't mean the United States has claimed it; in fact, an international law written in 1967 prevents any single nation from owning planets, stars, or any other natural objects in space.

Orbiting spacecraft have found traces of water on the lunar surface that may have originated from deep underground. They have also located hundreds of pits that could one day house explorers living on the moon long-term.

In 1959, the Soviet Union sent the first spacecraft to impact the moon's surface and returned the first photographs of its far side. This spurred a series of Cold War-era uncrewed missions launched by both the Soviet Union and the United States to observe the moon's surface.

Since then, a host of other government space agencies have also joined the moon rush, including Japan, the European Space Agency, China, India and Israel. China is the only one of those countries to successfully operate on the surface of the moon; landers sent by the latter two nations crash-landed.

But the Earth is an incredibly messy system, with many complicated, interacting parts that can affect this process. Scientists have thus found it difficult to explain why this relationship between surface temperature and outgoing heat is so simple and linear. Finding an explanation could help climate scientists model the effects of climate change.

Koll says this greenhouse effect explains why the heat that does escape into space is directly related to the surface temperature, as the increase in heat emitted by the atmosphere is cancelled out by the increased absorption from water vapor.

Space helps people learn to better care for the Earth. Scientists can study changes in the climates of other planets, such as Venus and Mars. This data can help them understand climate change on Earth. Comparing the Earth to other objects in space also helps people realize how special and valuable our planet is. It can inspire more efforts to protect Earth.

Speaking of other planets, space also gives Earth . . . well, more space! Astronauts already conduct experiments aboard the International Space Station, but some experts think more people could one day work and even live in space. How would you like to work from an orbiting space station? How about spending a vacation touring the solar system? Options like this could exist in the future.

Earth is composed of living and nonliving elements interacting in complex webs of ecological relationships that occur at multiple levels. Humans are part of the interactive and interdependent relationships in ecosystems and are one among many species that constitute the living part of Earth. Human actions modify physical environments and the viability of ecosystems at local to global scales. The survival of humans and other species requires a viable global ecosystem. Understanding Earth as a complex set of interactive living and nonliving elements is fundamental to knowing that human societies depend on diverse small and large ecosystems for food, water, and all other resources. People who regularly inquire about connections and relationships among life forms, ecosystems, and human societies possess an ecological perspective. Understanding and using the spatial and ecological perspectives helps geographers understand how to interpret nature and societies on Earth. Viewed together, the geographic perspective overall encompasses an understanding of spatial patterns and processes on Earth and its web of living and nonliving elements interacting in complex webs of relationships within nature and between nature and societies. A fully developed geographic perspective, therefore, involves an integration of both spatial and ecological points of view, as well as a consideration of other related perspectives that may be useful in understanding and interpreting the world. 350c69d7ab


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